Cannabis Control: End of week, Time to Repeat!

Edit:  Blunts- CHECK!

That was a very interesting week~!

Having drenched my body in cannabinoids and dried it out again, I am ready to plunge back into the lake of medical and recreational weed.   Being a better researcher, means being a better patient and I couldn't hope to add to my evidence if I couldn't repeat it.    So- I'm going to do it one more time,


I am going to try and replicate the same conditions to get to a zero threshold level, however instead of a max day, I've taken a 20ml dosage of THC infused hemp oil from Trichome Gardens Inc. ( Thanks Jason~! )

Will be grabbing some more balanced ratio flowers tonight or tomorrow to come back with on day one.   After a few days of trying to treat spasticity issues related to MS with THC products to adverse effects, I have collected more than a few data points trending to high THC in large doses = Lack of effective pain relief and possibly exacerbated symptoms.

Anecdotaly, my wife has all but quit using THC medications after trying Solei's CBD flowers, saying that she's less anxious, less physically taxed and more motivated to do more in the day.

Too soon to draw any conclusions yet, but its looking good for the balanced THC / CBD punters.
I will update after one more week to add to my findings.

Up Next:

Cannabis Jobs: Get in on the green rush~


Hits From The Bowl