
Showing posts from January, 2019


Review: Wedding Cake #7 - Black Alley Craft Cannabis ( Private LP )

Rosin- Cannabis Concentrate- What, Why, How?

Review: EASE (Jacking Gun) by Tokyo Smoke

Facebook Group Disabled

Review Roundup Oct 17th - Jan 2019

FB Muted Me!

The State Of Legal Marijuana Markets

Instagram @criticalbowl

Cannabis 101 @ Red River College

THC / CBD Labels; Read Carefully

Review: Momentum by Doja ( CBD God Bud)

LP Profile: DOJA

LP Profile: Van der Pop

Cannabis Job + Education Expo this week

USA: Too Much Weed! CANADA: Hold my beer

Review: Pineapple Sorbet ( Private LP )

Accessories in WPG

Review: Boaty McBoatface ( Tweed ) - Moldy?

Review: Critical Super Silver Haze - Canna Farms

Bonify: More Products Recalled