Cannabis Control: Day 5- Mini dosing ( CBD-CONGO)


Well... The long night is over.  I ended up spending most of the night wide awake and finally succumbed to a night cap bowl at 5am for a quick 2 hr nap before the baby woke up.   Cannabis is pretty good at treating insomnia, but perhaps it was a lack of THC that was keeping me awake? Hard to say.

The desire to get back to "making science" is pretty strong- I think my body is getting some oxytocin in anticipation- A junkie response to getting your fix? Probably not that severe, more just a bit of a chemical reward from my brain, but its interesting to be more sensitive to the little tugs and pushes that can come from messing with your ECS, such as hunger, mood and pleasure.

It feels like I should just keep on doing what I'm doing, minimal use- be extra aware of the effects, log them, save money and hopefully get a more pleasurable experience from my cannabis use.

Opening up the day, I'm going to try a single dab of full spectrum Congo terp sauce and a small bowl of the FREE to keep my CBD ratios high.  By most accounts, Congo should be a fairly low THC strain, but high in THC-V, which is a little know cannabinoid that I have explored previously.

If you've never heard of  High Terpene Full Specturm Extracts (HTFSE), don't worry, you'll be hearing a lot more about them in the future.  Essentially a liquid terpene extract with huge boulders of crystalized THC-A floating in it like martian caviar, it is made using fresh plant material and delivers a much broader array of cannabinoids than BHO extracts or even dried flowers.

I could talk about how awesome this product is for hours, but for this post I will just say its one of the best concentrates that money can buy in my opinion.

I am drumming my toes, tapping my fingers on the keyboard like its a musical instrument, feeling alive and ready to take on the day.   No symptoms of MS bothering me at the moment.   Time to go do some chores!~ WOOT WOOT


Hits From The Bowl