M.S. & Mary Jane- Why~>?


Multitple Sclerosis and Marijuana

At this point, patients are without a lot of peer reviewed data regarding the treatment of symptoms surrounding multiple sclerosis. We can listen to each other and try and get a bit of  anecdotal evidence to help guide us in this emerging therapy. 

I can positively say with 100% accuracy that cannabis does not prevent or cure MS.

MS is a chronic debilitating disease that causes damage to the receptors responsible for carrying messages from the brain to the rest of the body. 

It was explained by my neurologist that weird events could happen suddenly due to inflammation on the nerves that have been damaged.  I initially went blind in one eye, which over the course of 3-4 months, mostly returned to normal.  I still have major light sensitivity in that eye and I can get dizzy from scanning around too quick. 

So it sounds like inflammation is one of the physiological symptoms that I would hope to control using cannabis. Is this a possibility?

Another constant obstacle to my day to day wellness is fatigue.  Brutal, paralyzing fatigue. 
So not being overly tired is another major key that I need to consider when trying to treat symptoms .

Muscle Spasticity and pain are the other major players at this party, but they seem to be more neurological in nature.  The "MS HUG" is something that patients all feel diffenretly and the cause for it is largely unknown, but some doctors prescribe gabbapentin- an anti seizure medication.  Perhaps this is something that Cannabidiol (CBD) would be able to help with?

And last but not least, is cognitive function.  It is sometimes difficult for me to calculate the next move in chess, or get frustrated while working out a budget.  The thought of losing my memories / agency is a constant fear of mine.

The Ms Society of Canada is hard at work trying to find the answers to these questions.  A recent study that concluded on sept 30 2018 regarding the cognitive functions of patients using cannabis, showed a decrease in overall testing scores when related to information processing, memory and executive agency.   And I know this is just one study, but it is scientific evidence against the idea of using cannabis as an effective medication for MS.

The study is moving on to see if people who stop using cannabis are able to regain that overall brain power while doing the same tests. 

I for one- would like a treatment option that doesn't compromise my ability to live life to the fullest and will be keeping a close eye on any new research and make it available through this page.


Hits From The Bowl