Multiple Sclerosis: An Rx Odyssey


Coffee, Coffee, Coffee. Pills, Pills, Pills.
Its hard to get going in the morning some times, even on the best of days. On the worst of days- It feels like my body is trapped under ice.  MS affects the central nervous system with a litany of symptoms and today I am slowly learning more about Cannabis medications as it pertains to my condition. 

I have not spoken to my family doctor yet, but I have asked the nurses at the MS clinic if they had any information as it pertained to the treatments for MS patients.  This was a year or two ago, when I first received my diagnosis and before there was much opportunity for researchers to get any scientific data on the topic.  Studies, up til now, have been rather rare-especially using anything other than synthetic THC.  There has been some promising work done so far and its only going to progress.  A recent survey by the multiple sclerosis society of patients showed 66% percent were currently using medical cannabis.   Why aren't I?

This week I will be investigating some resources for medical cannabis users, from E-consultation to mail order marijuana companies with medical services and investigating what it would take to grow your own at home as a patient. As of this writing on Oct 23 2018 Manitoba is currently banning the growth of recreational cannabis, in opposition to the federal mandate.   Prime minister Trudeau has been quoted as wanting to battle this out in court, which would open the doors for Manitobans to grow up to 4 plants at home, invigorating an entire new industry and the possible hazards that go along with less restrictions in the garden.  All of this in an effort to keep money out of the hands of organized criminals.

Only 1 week in and I am already feeling pretty priced out of the recreational cannabis field to be honest.  I know that there are lots of options out there for patients with MS- and I hope to find something that works for me and possibly help you ease the struggle with finding a good licensed producer for someone in your life.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT claim to offer any medical advice, not am I affiliated with any products, brands or influencers.  I only offer honest, first party reviews about my experiences in this new world- and strongly feel everyone should know their limits, approach anything new with a grain of caution and start slow. 


Hits From The Bowl