The hammock complex on 3rd! Tweed and Tokyo Smoke

Osborne village in Winnipeg has always been a prime spot to bring visiting friends for a strong cup of coffee or a cheap bottle of beer.  And up until recent times a prime spot to buy illicit marijuana from a dude on a bike who just rode up while you're waiting for the bus. It was generally terrible, undersized and over priced- but if you didn't have "a guy" this might be your best bet at picking up for the night.

My how times have changed. I was able to visit two legal recreational cannabis shops today within 50 meters of each other, only divided by a few retail shops in a strip mall parking lot.  And these were NICE.  I live within a few miles so it was practically on my regular bike route, so it was no problem for me to get in and out.  Parking is limited, but some spots right out front if you're able to grab one, otherwise paid parking in the rear.

First up- I needed a coffee and the Second Cup coffee shop, a village institution was CLOSED til further notice- I should have just gone to Little Sister coffee company anyways- They make phenomenal espresso in a pastel blue enamel barista's dream.  Highly recommended.   Apparently coffee and cannabis have more in common than sunday mornings- (some light science on the topic.)

As I approached the Tweed retail storefront, there was a wee old lady who was repeatedly pressing the automated door button to no avail and was looking a little crestfallen.  The door not opening was a bit of foreshadowing of things to come, and the inside foyer door was not automated despite the large sign showing an accessibility sticker.  We were both ID'd after we entered the shop, as seems to be standard at all shops, but this gentle lady couldn't have been less than 80.

Inside the shop were several island type displays with cannabis jars showing a gram or two of product.  These jars had magnifying lens' attached to the top for 3X magnification, as well as a smaller 10X magnifier which really helped to get in close up on the trichrome structure. I was also allowed to handle the jar, which freed me up to get a much better feel for the product as It wasn't been held aloft by a budtender and moving around.  I was approached within a minute by a super friendly and helpful employee, who very capably answered all of my questions, was able to provide me with some extra written material for me to bring home and sadly CRUSH MY WORLD.

Well, that was overly dramatic, but he informed me that the cannabis that was in the displays- was ALL THEY HAD.  THEY WERE OUT.  100% sold out.    Madness! I will certainly be back, the genetics they displayed seemed great, customer service was great, store was great.   He mentioned that Tokyo Smoke had opened their second location in the city just yesterday, and they were nearly sold out at 2pm yesterday when he got off work. 

Quickly made my way around the corner and into another commercial strip mall and Tokyo Smoke was conveniently located next to a pastry shop- That's some good synergy.  The interior was the largest of the the 3 Winnipeg shops I have visited so far, but also the homiest. Lots of living plants, organic looking displays with soft lighting.

Product was displayed in translucent globes, with a little tiny bud centered on a thin display stem. Catchy and easy to observe, small placards displayed names, THC /CBD and prices per 1 / 3.5 / 7 gm.  Easily boasting 15 available strains as of noon 10/26/18 with another 15 products listed as coming soon it was a remarkable change from Delta 9 and Tweed's retail availability.  Genetics were available from 5 producers and ranged in price from 28$/3.5gm to 56$/3.5gm.  After the positive experience with the Broken Coast brand, and hearing the rave reviews for Galiano and Ruxton- I decided to grab them both, anticipating an even larger shortage this weekend.  I also grabbed 1 Gm of Super Skunk by Royal High for some variety.   Will be dropping reviews for all coming soon.

Hot dog vendors are going to make a killing on that street corner next summer!~



- Cannabis packaging too excessive and bumming you out? Have it recycled into 3D printed prosthetic limbs thru Kindness 3D!



Hits From The Bowl